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Value Engineering Courses

Training Programs Service


Module I, Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 Course


Module II, Value Methodology Fundamentals 2 Course


Accompanying the Core Competency transition is a simplification of the existing certifications. Beginning June 2016, the SAVE Certification Board will offer only two levels of certification:

The first level is the Value Methodology Associate (VMASM). VMASM is a recognition designed for individuals who are new to the Value Methodology field and have received basic Value Methodology training. This entry level certification is encouraged for those desiring to have on-going involvement in Value Management. If desired, after gaining some experience, a VMASM may advance to CVS® certification.

The second level is the Certified Value Specialist® (CVS®). CVS® is the highest level of certification attainable through the SAVE Certification Program. Designation is reserved for value specialists who have demonstrated expert level experience and knowledge in the practice of the Value Methodology.

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